```{r data generation, echo = FALSE, results = "hide"} cf0 <- sample(10:16, 1) * -100 ocf <- sample(seq(225, 550, 25), 5) npvfunc <- function(r) { discounts <- sapply(1:5, function(i) (1 + r) ** i) npv <- (sum(ocf / discounts) + cf0) ** 2 return(npv) } res <- optimize(npvfunc, interval = c(-1,1)) irr <- round(res$minimum, 4) * 100.0 wrong1 <- irr + sample(c(1.0, -1.0), 1) wrong2 <- irr + sample(c(0.25, -0.25), 1) wrong3 <- irr + sample(c(0.5, -0.5), 1) wrong4 <- irr + sample(c(0.75, -0.75), 1) ``` Question ======== Find the internal rate of return of a project with the following cash flows, starting at time 0: \$`r cf0`, `r ocf[1]`, `r ocf[2]`, `r ocf[3]`, `r ocf[4]`, `r ocf[5]`. Questionlist ------------ * \$`r wrong1` * \$`r wrong2` * \$`r irr` * \$`r wrong3` * \$`r wrong4` Meta-information ================ exname: Calculating IRR extype: schoice exsolution: 00100 exshuffle: 5