```{r data generation, echo = FALSE, results = "hide"} dat <- matrix(c( "lm", "least-squares regression", "glm", "Poisson regression", "glm", "logistic regression", "glm.nb", "negative binomial regression", "model.matrix", "extracting the regressor matrix from a fitted (generalized) linear model object", "coef", "extracting the estimated coefficients from a fitted (generalized) linear model object", "vcov", "extracting the estimated covariance matrix from a fitted (generalized) linear model object", "logLik", "extracting the fitted log-likelihood from a fitted (generalized) linear model object"), nrow = 2 ) i <- sample(1:ncol(dat), 1) fun <- dat[1, i] descr <- dat[2, i] ``` Question ======== What is the name of the R function for `r descr`? Solution ======== ``r fun`` is the R function for `r descr`. See `?`r fun`` for the corresponding manual page. Meta-information ================ extype: string exsolution: `r fun` exname: R functions