```{r data generation, echo = FALSE, results = "hide"} ## parameters a <- sample(2:9, 1) b <- sample(2:4, 1)/10 c <- sample(6:9, 1)/10 ## solution res <- exp(b * c) * (a * c^(a-1) + b * c^a) ``` Question ======== What is the derivative of $f(x) = x^{`r a`} e^{`r b` x}$, evaluated at $x = `r c`$? Solution ======== Using the product rule we obtain $$ f'(x) = e^{`r b` x} \cdot (`r a` \cdot x^`r a-1` + `r b` x^`r a`). $$ Evaluated at $x = `r c`$ and rounded to two digits the answer is $f'(`r c`) = `r fmt(res, 6)` = `r fmt(res, 2)`$. Meta-information ================ extype: num exsolution: `r fmt(res, 2)` exname: exp derivative extol: 0.01