Tag: derivative

lagrange: Method of Lagrange Multipliers


Exercise template for minimizing a linear objective function with two arguments subject to a Cobb-Douglas-type constraint. Both the parameters of the functions and the exact question (argument 1 vs. argument 2 vs. function value in optimum) are drawn randomly. Read More ›

hessian: 2x2 Hessian Matrix (Single-Choice)


Exercise template for computing the Hessian for a given function with randomly-drawn parameters. Read More ›

deriv2: Product Rule for Derivatives (Single-Choice)


Exercise template for computing the derivative (single-choice) of a product function with factors of type xa and exp(b * x) at a given point c, with randomly-drawn a, b, and c. Read More ›

deriv: Product Rule for Derivatives


Exercise template for computing the derivative (numeric answer) of a product function with factors of type xa and exp(b * x) at a given point c, with randomly-drawn a, b, and c. Read More ›