Category: general. Page 2

CRAN Release of R/exams 2.3-2


New minor release of the R/exams package to CRAN, containing a range of smaller improvements and bug fixes. Notably scanning of written NOPS exams is enhanced and made more reliable and a new exercise template demonstrates how to use advanced processing of numeric answers in Moodle. Read More ›

R/exams @ eRum 2018


Keynote lecture about R/exams at eRum 2018 (European R Users Meeting) in Budapest: Slides, video, e-learning, replication materials. Read More ›

CRAN Release of R/exams 2.3-1


New minor release of the R/exams package to CRAN, containing a wide range of smaller improvements and bug fixes. Notable new features include a dedicated OpenOlat interface, and a convenience function facilitating the use of TikZ-based graphics. Read More ›

Using R/exams for Short Exams during a Statistics Course


Experiences with using R/exams for multiple automated and randomized exams in an applied statistics course for environmental scientists at Universität Koblenz-Landau. Read More ›

R/exams for Blended Learning in a Mathematics 101 Course


Overview of how R/exams is used to assist learning, feedback, and assessment in a large introductory mathematics course at Universität Innsbruck. Read More ›

Welcome to R/exams


Brief introduction to the new web page and blog of the R/exams project. Read More ›